We are looking for more SBS-ers to join the Southover Bonfire Society Firesite Force!
We need volunteers at the SBS Firesite running up to and after November 5 at our firesite on the Convent Field, Lewes. We will meet at the Mountfield Road car park at 9am on volunteer days. Gloves and training will be provided. You will need to register at the start of each day and we will be doing a quick induction for everybody to the site and taking emergency contact details etc. There will be members of the Firesite Team on hand to help out on each day to answer and assist you. They will be wearing red rugby shirts with SBS Firesite Team written on them.
Please email Matthew Stuart, Firesite Captain, at firesite@southoverbs.com with your details and let him know which days you would be able to help out.
Here are the jobs:
Friday 2nd November 2018
Volunteers for fence erecting around the pyro site.
Saturday 3rd November 2018
Volunteers needed to set up fencing, assist with bonfire and set up site office etc.
Sunday 4th November 2018
Volunteers needed for fence erecting, moving items around and bonfire building
Monday 5th November 2018
Volunteers needed to move fencing, marshal the fire site on the night to include checking tickets at both entries until everybody is on site.
Tuesday 6th November 2018
Volunteers needed to take down fencing at areas, fire site and pyro site.
Volunteers needed for litter collection
Volunteers needed to move items
Volunteers needed to clear bonfire patch.
Wednesday 7th November 2018
Volunteers needed to help ensure hire items are in right place for collection.
Thanks in advance for any assistance that you can offer.