Welcome to the start of the 2019 Bonfire season! We hope that you are getting the most out of your membership with SBS and will renew again this year for more fiery frolics! Although membership renewals commence in September, work goes on behind the scenes all year to raise money and prepare. This is my first year as Chair of SBS and I am asking for your help.
Our members are what make Southover so special. It does literally take an army to pull of the 5th each year and everybody can play their part (however small), to raise those all important funds for bonfire night. Southover is about making friends and being part of a community, as well as the tradition of bonfire. We understand that people have busy work and family lives, so we want to offer you the opportunity for you and your family to come and meet the Captains and Team Leaders to find out more on 3 – 5:30pm Sept 8 at The Kings Head.
There will be merchandise, stalls and even some volunteer badges for children (and adults)!
There will be other surprises too!
Please do RSVP to membership@southoverbs.com to let us know you can come. If you want to know more then please do email me at chair@southoverbs.com
Best wishes and ADVANCE!
Pat O’Toole
Chair Southover Bonfire Society