Calling all members of Southover Bonfire Society, please make sure you check you’ve still got your Membership Cards. If you’ve lost yours or members of your family have, you need to order replacements NOW!
Replacement cards can be ordered before midday Saturday October 23 2021, for £3 each for collection at the remaining Badge Nights. Please email with “Replacement Card Order” in the subject field; a Mojo payment request will then be sent for completion.
In addition, if you are coming to the final two Badge Nights on Sunday October 31 and Thursday November 4, please remember to bring your red plastic SBS Membership Card(s) with you as we need to update them all with a 2021 sticker.
Don’t forget you do need to have renewed your membership online in advance of Badge Nights.
And finally…you need both your Membership Card and Badge with you in order to process on November 5. Marshals are checking and you will be asked to leave the procession if you don’t have both of these with you. You will also be denied access to the firesite and fireworks.
For more information on all things membership, check out the Membership page on this website.
Photo courtesy of Ian Cumming.