Our final (and often very busy) Badge Night is on Thursday (Nov 4), 7pm-9pm, at our HQ The King’s Head. Even if you are all sorted, it’s a great event and the spirit of Bonfire (not to mention, a number of spirits of the alcoholic variety) abound.
We’ve restocked our merchandise and clothing stalls so all those last-minute purchases can be made (cash only) and this is your last chance to renew your membership online in advance by following this link. If you haven’t done so already, please bring your red plastic SBS Membership Card(s) with you to our final Badge Night as we need to update them all with a 2021 sticker.
All Southover Bonfire Society members need both your 2021 updated Membership Card and 2021 Badge with you in order to process on Friday (Nov 5). Marshals are checking and you will be asked to leave the procession if you don’t have both of these with you. You will also be denied access to the fire site and fireworks. Any queries, please contact membership@southoverbs.com