Southover Bonfire Society Badge Nights are back this year and are all taking place at The Swan on Sunday October 16 2022 and Sunday October 30 2022 from 7pm – 9pm; and Friday November 4 2022 from 6pm – 8pm. There will be merchandise and pre loved costumes on sale as well as plenty of Bonfire banter. We will also have our Society photographers on hand to ‘pap’ our SBS members so do turn up in your finery.
Please make sure you have renewed your membership online in advance of Badge Nights. If you are coming to Badge Nights, please remember to bring your red plastic SBS Membership Card(s) with you as we need to update them all with a 2022 sticker.
If you are not sure where they are, please look for them now. If you’ve lost them, replacement cards can be ordered before midday Friday October 7, for £3 each for collection at remaining Badge Nights.
Please email membership@southoverbs.com with “Replacement Card Order” in the subject field; a Mojo payment request will then be sent for completion. New member cards and previously ordered replacement cards can be collected at any Badge Night.
You need both your 2022 Membership Card and Badge with you in order to process on November 5. Marshals are checking and you will be asked to leave the procession. You will also be denied access to the firesite and fireworks if you don’t have these with you.
For any membership issues, please contact membership@southoverbs.com
Please remember that our final Badge Night is November 4 at The Swan from 6pm-8pm. Following this, we will adjourn to The King’s Head for our final celebrations.