There is only one rule for costume in our buccaneer ranks – please don’t buy or wear a fancy dress pirate costume. Not only does it look naff, but it’s a fire hazard! Opt for clothing made of natural materials – think wool, cotton, silk, linen. You can pick so much of this up at jumble sales, eBay, charity and High Street shops etc so it’s an easy look to create. In addition, we often run a cash-only costume stall at our Badge Nights in the run up to the Fifth so look out for more info.
Your buccaneer costume will usually include some of these elements:
Tricorn or bandana or both
Pirate coat or jacket
Skirt – gypsy style or one you can hoik up over your petticoat
Belts galore for all sorts of things, including holding weapons
Necklaces and gold earrings
Sash/scarf – tied around the waist, hips
Gloves – good to protect hands against torch carrying
Hip flask
If you want to add some SBS badges, or a neckerchief, please speak to the lovely Captain of Promotionals Shireen, by emailing
If you have any queries or worries about kitting yourself out buccaneer-style, please also feel free to contact the Commander in Chief’s better half, Sarah, at She can point you in the direction of friendly buccaneers who are only too happy to help you sort it! Advance!
Here are some great images of some of our buccaneers to give you some inspiration.